As of 02 May 2024

Definition and General Information About SWDA

What is a Social Welfare and Development Agency?

A Social Welfare and Development Agency or what we call “SWDA” is a non-stock, nonprofit corporation, organization, or association engaged in providing, directly or indirectly, social welfare and development (SWD) programs and services, to its intended clients.

SWDAs obtain their finances, from any government agency or instrumentality, or other fund-generating activities, as authorized by law.

Two (2) major types of SWDAs are regulated by the DSWD including the Social Work Agency or SWA and the Auxiliary SWDAs.

The Social Work Agency or SWA, is defined as a person, corporation or organization, private or government, that engages mainly and generally, or represents itself to engage in social welfare work whether case work, group work, or community work. SWAs obtain their finances, either totally or in part, from any agency or instrumentality of the government and/or from the community by direct or indirect solicitations and/or fund drives, and/or private endowment. It is classified into:

1. Public SWA - An organization managed by national government agencies (NGAs) or local government units (LGUs). This includes:

1.1.1. Residential-Based - An alternative form of family care providing 24-hour group living on a temporary basis to poor, vulnerable, disadvantaged, and/or in crisis individuals and families whose basic needs cannot be met by their families and/or relatives or by any other form of alternative family care for a period of time.

1.1.2. Center-Based - Non-residential psychosocial services rendered in physical facilities, referred to as "centers", on a daily basis or during part of the day addressing crisis or developmental concern of an individual, group, or family. Beneficiaries in center-based services have families to return to after each segment of the brief treatment or developmental program, rendered up to a maximum of three weeks.

1.2. Private SWA - A non-stock, non-profit non-government organization duly established and/or recognized under Philippine laws performing social welfare and development activities. The classification of private SWAs are listed below:

1.2.1. Residential-Based as defined above under Public SWA;

1.2.2. Center-Based as defined above under Public SWA;

1.2.3. Community-Based - Programs and services rendered in the community while they remain in their homes and/or with their families, e.g. Child Placing Agencies (CPAs)

The second type is what we call the Auxiliary SWDA which provides indirect SWD programs and services. It is classified into:

2.1. People’s Organization - A bona-fide association of citizens with demonstrated capacity to promote public interest and with identifiable leadership, membership, and structure, which provided SWD services beyond its members;

2.2. Resource Agency - An Auxiliary SWDA that provides cash and/or in-kind assistance such as food, clothing, medicines, educational, shelter; and programs and services like technical assistance, training, research and advocacy to other implementing SWDAs or directly to the beneficiaries; and,

2.3. SWD Network - A group of SWDAs that organized themselves for a common goal in promoting social protection for the poor, vulnerable, and disadvantaged beneficiaries.

Yes, a SWDA can be classified both as a SWA and as an Auxiliary SWDA as long as the applicant has satisfied the requirements for both SWDA types.

According to Section 4 of Republic Act (RA) 10847 or Act Upgrading the Sundry Provisions Relative to the Practice of Social Work, “No social welfare and development agency shall operate and be accredited as such unless it has registered and secured a license with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) which shall then issue the corresponding registration certificate and license to operate.”

Before the registration and licensing of any applicant agency, it must meet the following criteria stated under Section 4 of RA 10847 and Section 26, Rule V of Professional Regulatory Board Resolution No. 3, series of 2017. The applicant agency should meet the following:

  1. Must be engaged mainly or generally in SWD activities;
  2. Has employed a sufficient number of duly qualified staff and/or registered social workers who have at least two (2) years of work experience in the field of SWD to supervise and take charge of its SWD activities and/or social work interventions following the set standards;
  3. Must show in a duly certified financial statement that at least seventy percent (70%) of its funds are disbursed for direct social work services while thirty percent (30%) are allocated or disbursed for administrative services;
  4. Must keep a record of all the social development and/or welfare activities that it implements.

Registration is the process of assessing the applicant agency to determine whether its intended purpose is within the purview of SWD;

Licensing is the process of assessing the qualifications and authorizing a private agency or organization to operate as a SWDA, having the capacity to operate administratively, technically, and financially.

An applicant agency that qualifies for the DSWD Registration and Licensing shall be issued with a Certificate of Registration and License to Operate (CRLTO) as a SWDA.

Accreditation is the process of assessing a SWA if its SWD programs and services are compliant with the standards set by the DSWD.

A SWDA with an accredited program/service shall be issued with a Certificate of Accreditation.

Registration and Licensing of SWDAs

How do I apply for registration and licensing?

All applications for registration, licensing, and accreditation (RLA) and application for amendments shall be done online via the DSWD Harmonized Electronic License and Permit System (HELPS).

Yes. Under HELPS, the processing of application for Registration and License to Operate are now combined as one, wherein a Certificate of Registration and License to Operate (CRLTO) shall be issued.

Applicants planning to engage in SWD activities should submit the following:
Type Of Applicant
Requirements :
(Total of 5)
Social Work Agency Auxiliary SWDA
A. Legal Entity
1. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
2. Updated Articles of Incorporation and by-laws wherein the applicant must be engaged mainly or generally in social welfare and development activities
3. For SWAs: Barangay Certification as proof of the existence of SWDA For Auxiliary SWDAs:
  For Auxiliary SWDAs: Barangay Certification or written agreement of partnership or corporation, as the proof of the existence of SWDA
B. Organizational Structure/Policies & Procedures
4. Manual of Operations(MOO) containing the minimum prescribed content of the DSWD (Annex C)
Note: SWAs may opt to initially submit the version of their MOO containing the mandatory contents for RL (under item A of Annex C) during their RL application. However, the complete contents of the MOO, which includes the contents for accreditation (under item B of Annex C), should be submitted prior to the scheduled accreditation assessment visit, if applicable.
C. Financial Requirement
5. Work and Financial Plan for at least two (2) years duly signed by the Head of Agency using the DSWD template (Annex D)
6. RLA Notarized Declaration Form Template (Annex N)

Applicants who are already engaged as a SWDA prior to the application for CRLTO will be required to submit the following:

Type Of Applicant
Requirements : (Total of 9) Social Work Agency Auxiliary SWDA
A. Legal Entity
1. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation with the SEC
2. Updated Articles of Incorporation and by-laws wherein the applicant must be engaged mainly or generally in social welfare and development activities
3. For SWAs: Barangay Certification as the proof of the existence of SWDA
  For Auxiliary SWDAs: Barangay Certification or written agreement of partnership or corporation, as the proof of the existence of SWDA
B. Organizational Structure/Policies & Procedures
4. Manual of Operations (MOO) containing the minimum prescribed content of the DSWD (Annex C)
Note: SWAs may opt to initially submit the version of their MOO containing the mandatory contents for RL (under item A of Annex C) during their RL application. However, the complete contents of the MOO, which includes the contents for accreditation (under item B of Annex C), should be submitted prior to the scheduled accreditation assessment visit, if applicable.
C. Financial Requirement
5. Work and Financial Plan for at least two (2) years duly signed by the Head of Agency using the DSWD template (Annex D)
6. Financial Report using the DSWD template (Annex E) that must be based on the agency’s approved Audited Financial Statement and prepared and certified true and correct by either the accountant, treasurer, bookkeeper or finance officer and noted by the Head of the Agency.

Proceeds from the public solicitation conducted shall be included in the financial report, if applicant SWA was issued with a solicitation permit by the DSWD.
D. Facility Standard
7.1 For Residential-Based and Center-Based:
    Valid or updated Certificate of Occupancy (only for new buildings) or Annual Building Inspection Certificate (for old buildings)
    Water Potability Certificate valid for the past 3 months or valid Sanitary Permit
    Valid or updated Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC)
7.2 For Community-Based:
    Valid or updated Fire Safety FSIC

Note: Permits that are named under a different establishment or entity due to rental or lease, shall be allowed as long as the indicated address in the submitted permits is the same with the applicant’s declared address.
E. Service Delivery & Standard
    8. Updated Caseload Inventory using DSWD template (Annex F)
F. Reporting & Documentation
9. Annual Accomplishment Report of the previous year using DSWD template (Annex G)
10. RLA Notarized Declaration Form Template (Annex N)

The processing time of each application assessed with complete and compliant documents is seven (7) working days.

For new applicants, the validity of the CRLTO is three (3) years, subject to monitoring, while during renewal, the CRLTO may be granted either another 3-year or perpetual validity depending on the assessment.

Perpetual validity may be granted if the applicant agency has met the set requirements and criteria :

(Total of 7)
Modes of Verification
1. The SWDA has received positive findings from all the monitoring visits conducted by the DSWD from the time it was issued with the CRLTO. Confirmation Report from the DSWD
2. The SWDA received an award/recognition in the form of a Plaque of Recognition/Center of Excellence from DSWD, Government Agencies, LGUs, and other entities within the validity of its current RL certificate. Scanned copy or photo of the award/recognition given within the validity period of the CRLTO
3. The SWDA has good financial management with 80/20 financial utilization Accomplished financial report using DSWD template (Annex E) covering the previous 2-year operations
4. The SWDA has received a positive public rating as reflected in at least two of their public pages via online platforms (e.g. official website or social media accounts). A favorable public rating garners at least four (4) points/stars out of five (with five as the highest). Screenshot/photo of the SWDAs online platforms with favorable ratings.
5. The SWDA’s core staff has received at least five (5) training within the three (3) year validity of its CRLTO. Scanned copy of training certificates dated
6. The SWDA has documented at least one good practice in its agency, implemented within the validity period of its CRLTO, with the following content:
  • Title
  • Date and venue
  • Objectives, outcomes, and target
  • Why is this activity regarded as a best practice?
  • Impact, outcome, or result of the strategy on the target clients
  • How did the strategy contribute to the achievement of the overall targets or goals of the program?
  • What elements or aspects of the activity are replicable?
Scanned copy of the documentation.
7. The SWDA has established partnerships through a Memorandum of Understanding/ Agreement (MOU/A) to support its programs and services At least one (1) scanned copy of the MOU/A valid during the time of renewal.

What does it mean to have CRLTO with perpetual validity?

It means that the applicant SWDA has satisfied the set requirements and criteria for good standing/track record.

The "perpetual validity" shall be based on the SWDA's SEC Certificate of Incorporation validity. If the SEC-issued certificate is not perpetual but more than 3 years, the SB will adopt the specific validity period stated in the SEC certificate.

How much is the processing fee for the application for CRLTO?

The processing fee is Php2,000 valid for thirty (30) calendar days.

How do I apply for an amendment of CRLTO?

The SWDA shall also apply through its DSWD HELPS Account and submit the necessary requirements depending on the type of amendment.

What are the requirements for the amendment of CRLTO?

The requirements for the amendment of CRLTO vary depending on the following grounds:

  • Change of name;
  • Change of client category;
  • Typographical error;
  • Voluntary cessation of some areas of operation and/or programs and services;
  • Expansion of operations and/or areas of coverage;
  • Transfer of operations and/or facilities.

The documentary requirements, processing fees, and processing days can be found in Annex H.

Application for Accreditation of Social Welfare and Development (SWD) programs and services

When should I apply for a Certificate of Accreditation?

  1. Accreditation of the first-timer private SWA, which CRLTO was issued through the DSWD HELPS shall be automatic. The schedule for accreditation will depend on the chosen date of the SWDA based on the prescribed timeline.
  2. Private SWA for Renewal is required to process the application for CRLTO and accreditation within twenty-one (21) working days prior to the expiration of its CRLTO and Certificate of Accreditation.
  3. Public SWA, whether new and renewal applications, is required to process the application for accreditation twenty-one (21) working days before the expiration of its Certificate of Accreditation.
  4. Private SWAs with valid RL certificates from previous guidelines shall file an application for Certificate of Accreditation through the DSWD HELPS twenty-one (21) days upon effectivity of the guidelines.

The validity of the Certificate of Accreditation shall be synchronized with the validity of the issued CRLTO, if the CRLTO is valid for three (3) years.

If the validity of the CRLTO is perpetual upon its renewal, the Certificate of Accreditation shall still be valid for three (3) years.

  1. For first-timer Private SWA applicants whose CRLTO was issued through the DSWD HELPS, the process will take seven (7) working days counted from the date of the assessment visit.
  2. For Private SWA with renewal application, the process will take seven (7) working days counted from the date of the assessment visit.
  3. For the public SWA, whether new or renewal application, the process will take seven (7) working days starting from the filing of the application.
  • Private SWAs for first-time accreditation under HELPS need not pay any processing fee since it shall be covered by the PHP 2,000 processing fee for CRLTO.
  • Private SWAs for renewal and/or with valid DSWD Certificate from previous guidelines shall pay a processing fee of PHP 1,000 per program/facility/area of operation.
  • Public SWAs are exempted from paying the processing fee.
  1. A SWA shall apply for a renewal of CRLTO and Accreditation twenty-one (21) working days prior to its expiration following the procedure and requirements for the renewal of CRLTO.
  2. Public SWAs that are already engaged and/or with expired certificates from the old guidelines must also create an account and apply for accreditation within twenty-one (21) working days from the effectivity date of these guidelines.
  3. Public SWAs with issued Certificate of Accreditation under HELPS shall apply for renewal twenty-one (21) working days prior to the expiration of its certificate.
Type Of Applicant
Requirements (Total of 10) Private SWA Auxiliary SWDA
A. Legal Entity
1. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation with the SEC*
2. Updated Articles of Incorporation and by-laws wherein the applicant must be engaged mainly or generally in social welfare and development activities*
3. Certification of No Derogatory Information (CNDI) issued by the SEC, issued within six (6) months from the time of filing of the application. In case the CNDI is not yet available, the latest submission of General Information Sheet (GIS) to the SEC shall be accepted, provided that:
  • There is a proof that the GIS has been received by the SEC;
  • The CNDI will still be submitted on the next monitoring visit of the DSWD to the SWDA.
4. For SWAs: Barangay Certification as the proof of the existence of SWDA
  For Auxiliary SWDAs: Barangay Certification or written agreement of partnership or corporation, as the proof of the existence of SWDA
B. Organizational Structure/Policies & Procedures
5. Manual of Operation (MOO) containing the minimum prescribed content per DSWD template (Annex C)*
C. Financial Requirement
6. Work and Financial Plan for at least two (2) years duly signed by the Head of Agency using the DSWD template (Annex D)
7. Financial Report using the DSWD template (Annex E) that must be based on the agency’s approved Audited Financial Statement and prepared and certified true and correct by either the accountant, treasurer, bookkeeper or finance officer and noted by the Head of the Agency.

Proceeds from the public solicitation conducted shall be included in the financial report, if applicant SWA was issued with a solicitation permit by the DSWD.
D. Facility Standard
8.1 For Residential-Based and Center-Based:
    Valid or updated Certificate of Occupancy (only for new buildings) or Annual Building Inspection Certificate (for old buildings)
    Water Potability Certificate valid for the past three (3) months or Valid Sanitary Permit
    Valid or updated FSIC
8.2 For Community-Based
    Valid or updated FSIC

Note: Permits that are named under a different establishment or entity due to rental or lease, shall be allowed as long as the indicated address in the submitted permits is the same with the applicant’s declared address.
E. Service Delivery & Standard
    9. Updated Caseload Inventory using DSWD template (Annex F)
F. Reporting & Documentation
10. Annual Accomplishment Report of the previous year using DSWD template (Annex G)
11. RLA Notarized Declaration Form Template (Annex N)
* No need to submit if there have been no updates since the last submission. Documents shall be validated instead during assessment and/or monitoring visits.

What are the incentives/benefits of being a registered, licensed, and accredited SWDA?

A Registered and Licensed SWDA is eligible for the following:
  1. Automatic membership in the Area-Based Standards Network (ABSNet);
  2. Lesser documentary requirements when applying for a public solicitation permit; and
  3. Other incentives as deemed appropriate by the DSWD.
In addition to the incentives of a registered and licensed SWDA, SWDAs with accredited SWD programs and services are entitled to the following:
  1. Eligibility for a certification for duty-exempt importation of foreign donations;
  2. Access to networks and linkages with other SWDAs;
  3. Certificate of Commendation or Plaque of Recognition;
  4. Participation in DSWD’s capability building and skills enhancement;
  5. Recommendation for training programs provided by the DSWD Academy;
  6. Financial subsidy and cost of care, subject to availability of funds;
  7. Other incentives as deemed appropriate by the DSWD.

Creation of HELPS account

Do I need to create an account in HELPS every time I apply for CRLTO and Certificate of Accreditation?

There is no need to create a new account to access and avail of the other services offered by the DSWD HELPS. One account can already access all online services available in the HELPS.

To file a complaint, a duly accomplished, and notarized complaint form shall be submitted to the Standards Bureau (SB) either through walk-in, by registered mail, or through email at Our SB staff will provide an update once the complaint has been received and deliberated.

Non-compliance with Registration, Licensing, and Accreditation (RLA) Requirements

What will happen if I do not renew and/or comply with the registration and licensing requirements?

1. For Newly-Established SWDAs - If the applicant agency fails to comply with the registration and licensing requirements upon assessment, its application will be disapproved. The applicant will be given thirty (30) calendar days to comply with the unmet requirements and re-apply without needing to pay the Php2,000 processing fee. Re-application beyond the said period shall require the payment of the processing fee.

2. For Engaged SWDAs - If the concerned SWDA fails to comply with the registration and licensing requirements upon assessment, its application will be disapproved. The concerned SWDA will be given thirty (30) calendar days to comply with the unmet requirements and re-apply without needing to pay the Php2,000 processing fee. Re-application beyond the said period shall require the payment of the processing fee. During this period, the operations of the SWDA will be suspended and it will not be allowed to accept new beneficiaries. A suspension order to this effect will be signed by the SB Director.

If the SWDA is found operating despite not having CRLTO, the appropriate criminal case for violation of RA No. 10847 and other actions/suits for violation of other pertinent laws shall be filed by the DSWD, to be led by the SB in coordination with SEC, concerned FO, and LGU that has jurisdiction over the SWDA. Meanwhile, the DSWD Legal Service or the respective Field Office-Legal Unit shall provide necessary technical assistance in the drafting of complaint, judicial affidavit, affidavits of witnesses, and other pleadings and legal documents required for the filing of appropriate actions against the non-compliant SWDA.